Friday, October 23, 2009

Anniversary Calligraphy - Flourish Friday October 23

Tom and I celebrated our 24th anniversary on Monday. Yay us!! I wanted to do a special piece for him, and I especially like the first few lines of Anne Bradstreet's poem "To My Dear and Loving Husband."
Tom really liked the piece. Here's to 24 more years with my guy! Happy Flourish Friday!


  1. This is so beautiful and sweet Jane. Happy Anniversary!

  2. Congratulations on 24 years. What a lovely gift to him!

  3. congratulations on 24 happy years of togetherness with your true love!! and what a fabulous way to express it to him!! beautiful, jane! :))

  4. What a beautiful piece.

    24 years is very impressive, congratulations!

  5. This is so beautiful! I hope you guys had a great anniversary--next year it'll be a quarter century :-)

  6. Beautiful piece, Jane! And congratulations on 24 years! Truly a great feat nowadays!

  7. Oh Jane, This is just *BeAuTiFuL*!! Takes my breath away! Thank you for sharing with all of us.

  8. This is gorgeous. I would like to use this as a featured image for a post about a song set to these lyrics. I gave you a credit in the post, but if you don't approve, I'll take it down right away. Thanks.

  9. Hello, and thank you for the compliment. Would you please provide a link to the post? and your first name? Thank you! My email address can be found under my blog's header when using a desktop computer.


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